
Sunday, May 31, 2009

At a Loss...

I'm at a loss right now...
I'm at a loss to understand why so many people seem unhappy when I say that I'm doing really well with all of this. I'm also at a loss when they chastise me and act like I don't understand the ramifications of it. This was not my choice this was his. I know that this is not what God wants to happen with a marriage, but I do honestly believe I am continuing in HIS will for me. I didn't make the choices. I didn't want this. Therefore I believe that I can be in God's will even though I am choosing to release myself from this marriage. I believe God is in this and is walking with me through it. I believe that HE has some big things for me. I believe HE can use this for HIS glory.
I knew that when this broke people would disapprove of how I was responding to it. I know that there are people who think that divorce is wrong no matter what the circumstance. I didn't however expect to be treated like a child. I know what a marriage vow means, I took the words I said very seriously, he did not. What people do not want to hear is when I say I never had a marriage. They do not want to hear that my marriage was a fraud. That I lost him not to death, but to a disease, to selfishness, to his choices. I believe his commitment was only to let me be a live-in nurse to him. He left our marriage before it ever started. I have chosen not to go into gory details with anyone but my very closest friends. I try to express how sick he was/is and they do not want to take the time to listen and understand. This disappoints me in ways I cannot even begin to express.
I however have been blessed with people who support me in every aspect. Even a few who know me well enough to know this is a well thought out choice and must be necessary if I am heading down this miserable road. I had thought at one point that the people who have been the worst to me knew me that well. I have learned through this experience that I AM LOVED. PERIOD. There is no longer any way I can doubt that fact. I am loved by God, my family, and so many friends. God has given me some Sisters that I could not have ever picked. I AM BLESSED. God never let me believe that I wasn't HIS daughter. I never doubted HIS love for me. HIS grace has been overwhelming to me. THIS IS HOW I CAN BE DOING SO WELL. This is where my strength and my joy are coming from. This is how I can take my next breath. I am ever so greatful for those who have walked me through this when it was breath by breath, then moved to day by day, to week by week and now I am month to month and I know that with more of GOD's grace and love it will soon be year by year. :)

1 comment:

Sondra Meehan-Cassel said...

I am so proud of you, I could tell something happened. I too had that happen, he wanted the divorce, not me. Your strength and courage are a light for others, myself and maybe another lady to whom this may come. You are a jewel in His crown. Do not let others bother you, they cannot understand that which they cannot understand.

Yours in Christ

Sondra Meehan-Cassel